Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Guest Haiku from the Satanic One Himself

In our never ending, global, 24/7 quest to bring you only the finest Canadian haiku being written on the planet today, it is our pleasure to present the work of the inimitable JDiego, world-renowned haiku slugfest judge and author-proprietor of Haikus from Hell, home of "the haiku you don't take home to mother."

Without further ado, here is JDiego:

Canada haiku

long porous border
sneaky Yanks cross in the night
look for low wage work

proud of mosquitoes
large enough to carry off

just two words: Neil Young
two more: Robertson Davies
oh yeah: back bacon

You can almost here the Canadian prairie winds a blowin' . . . . in these few short lines Mr. Diego has captured the Magnitude That Is Canada, moving with equal grace from the socio-economics of immigration, to the wildness and danger that is the real Great White North, particularly for small furry lap dogs. And then the coup de grace, an ode to the cultural contributions that Canadyland has made to . . . the world.

breath taking. absolute beauty, eh? Canadian haiku virtuosity unequaled in the anals of Canadian haiku. While this hoser advises us that he is in fact a Yank, don't you believe it, eh? he's got maple red running in his veins just like the rest of us.

beauty way to go, JDiego. beauty.


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